"The African Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Center will provide education and from education comes choice. In choice there is power over ones destiny. This project will open the doors of possibility to a people who have been living in a very small box. What sort of great minds will come of this? World leaders, great thinkers, powerful peace bringers. I'm excited about the world they will step into".

Yvonne Falk

Professional Coach

"I strongly think that AFEEC is a strong opportunity to expand our horizons and our future by using tools that will free many people mind set. I believe that dreams can be achieved and the result of a new world, a new world of opportunities for the Global Planet and then should start from Africa the cradle of humanity and be spread worlwide. I also believe it is important to have courage, compromise and determination and always keep believing. Having faith in mind, heart and body but most always believe... but very importantly to step up and take actions. AFEEC is about to show us the path to be followed".

Barbara Gonzalez
Graduate Student in International Business

"When opportunity knocks we have politely and eagerly to answer the door and let him enter in our lives. AFEEC is THE opportunity we are looking for. If you want to have an impact on your financial future, becoming an entrepreneur is the answer. AFEEC brings it by helping us to learn and not just wait and see, to use a tool by ourselves and not just having people using the tool for us. No matter where we come from, we all want freedom to live the life that we want to live, to spend time with our family, and truly enjoy life. This opportunity fits in perfectly with many people goals of achieving a balanced, financially secure life".

Birane Gueye

"I am impressed and definitively behind the African Entrepreneurship and Enterprises Center's initiative (AFEEC). I am deeply convinced that AFEEC represents vision, commitment, persistence, unselfishness, courage and most importantly, empowerment for not only this generation of young men and women in Africa but also for the future generation. This project has to be supported. I can not wait to see it in reality".

Darson Capranda

"Occasionally, an organisation comes along that truly makes a difference to the people it supports. Occasionally, an organisation comes along that selflessly and generously helps people to change their lives forever. Occasionally, an organisation comes along that inspires others to do the same. That organisation is AFEEC. An organisation I wholeheartedly endorse."

James Adonis
Employee Engagement Expert, Speaker, Author

"Entrepreneurs undertake great risk, and have the potential to shape the future of society and the world. Innovative people have the ability to help others prosper and can greatly impact society. Entrepreneurs need to learn how to ethically manage and bring their ideas to markets in an effective and efficient way, and I believe AFEEC will assist in educating these talented individuals in making their ideas a reality."

Martin J. Englert
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